VeraLinde Jelsma (25) is a scenographer, installation artist, art director and designer based in the Netherlands. She recently graduated from Minerva Art Academy in 2023 after completing her studies in Textile Design at Cibap in 2019. Over the past few years, she has developed her skills as a visual and video designer, creating distinctive and captivating visual experiences.
VeraLinde Jelsma is exploring her creativity in different disciplines. Graduated as a textile designer you see the evolving impact it has on her recent creations. Nature inspires her in it’s shapes and colors, transforming into abstraction and surprising color palettes, defining her and her work. She combines social matters with personal experiences to create interesting and compelling concepts. Mostly working with the accaleration and deceleration of the neurological brain, which has translates in mesmerising installations ‘Calm in the eye of the noise’ or a ominous film ‘observing but be observed’.
2019-2023 | Minerva Art Academy, Time based design
2022 | HKU, Minor Time Based Media
2015-2019 | Cibap, Fabric & Design
November 2022 | Theater de Lawei, Drachten (ongoing)
27th of July till 25th of August 2024 | Openstal, Olderbekoop
January 30 till 4 February | The New Current, Rotterdam
September 2023 | Arty Party, Melkweg Amsterdam
Friesch dagblad | 'Kunstroute in Oldeberkoop voert bezoeker dit jaar naar Droomland' 24-07-2024
Omprop Fryslan | kunstroute Open Stal 22-07-2024
Grote Nederlandse Kunst Kalender 2024
Metropolis M nr. 4 | Inkomen & Eindexamens 2023
2023 | Nominated for Minerva Award for Design
with 'Calm in the eye of the noise'